Friday, October 27, 2006

Everything you want to know about me and more...

Anyung Friends and Family,
Sorry it has been so long since my last email. I even have Internet at home now so I really have no excuse other than pure laziness, lethargy and an extreme lack of motivation to think after or before working (or most anytime for that matter; I'm supposed to be paid for that kind of hard labor). But anyway, I'm now sufficiently motivated to come clean about my recent exploits and hijinks over here on the other side of the globe. So let's see, where did I leave off last... We've continued to frequent the gym, play soccer, badminton, sollyvoccer, and ride bikes around since I last wrote, but sometimes not as consistently as we'd like to. I was planning on resolving the conflict between the North and the South with a well played swing at the shuttle cock, but the plans gone flaccid. Working till almost eleven makes it really difficult to go home and get some rest immediately and badminton practice is only once a week (badminton practice consisting of being beaten brazenly by a Scot and a Canuck and quickly opting out in favor of a cold beverage). We usually don't get to sleep until after 1 or 2 which leads to sleeping till as late as noon sometimes. It's all rather depressing to say the least and I've been trying to motivate myself to rise at a much more productive time, at least at a time more conducive to getting something done during the morning hours, but it hasn't been a hasty change. God knows these novels and pictures won't produce themselves and nobody likes a eunuch. We've also started playing basketball on Tuesday nights with some Westerners, and occasionally Koreans, which also keeps us up late. Maybe I should just resign myself to being more or less nocturnal. Nobody makes anything worth a damn in the daytime anyway, just a bunch of guns and pancakes. Truthfully, much of the problem revolves around resetting my body clock back to normal. For over a month we had visitors from home and I pretty much spun the hands of the clock at random and now I'm receiving the punishment for neglecting my lunar obligations. It began when Ashley's friend Amy came to work here for a month and was staying in our spare apartment. We weren't too prone to bendering when she first got here because we were really busy with our school's summer intensive program which consisted of working from 8 am to nearly 11 at night with a few hurried hours in the middle of the day to try to rest or more often catching up on prep work. But, as summer intensives ended and we again had a normal amount of freedom, we, of course, took the slack and sprinted. From that point every good intention fell to the double edged blade of fiendish pursuits. One night we attacked a bottle of Crown Royal leaving it deprived of its essence, transferring its inner beauty, so to speak, into a veritable water fountain of joy and purgation. And then proceeded to give a bottle of Skky a proper thrashing. Playing cards came out, decibels levels came up, and the devil came in for a chat. From thence on mayhem ensued and has only recently been properly rebridled (well, depending on your idea of a proper bit and reign). About a week in to this exorcism of boredom with work related anything Ashley's friend Alice Kim, a Korean (of course, her last name is Kim) American who went to Cal Poly and grew up in Mammoth Lakes, came to visit us among many other relatives she has out here. In almost complete concordance with her arrival one of my best friends, Jay Ryu, another Korean American who grew up in the Bay Area and went to Cal at the same time that Katie did, also arrived from working on an architecture project in Dubai (you can only imagine the magnitude, taller than a really good drink). Anyway, we made our way up to Seoul and subsequently forgot that the clock even had hands, actually it was more like we just tied good old Cronus up and left him to watch Sisyphus struggle at other meaningless tasks. Whatever, I know; it's all Greek to me too. We even got a room at some shady "Love Motel" that we used for a grand total of four hours. Love motels are a Korean phenomenon. They are cheap motels, nicely equipped and clean, that are used by business men to keep their extramarital exploits secret. The windows are fashioned so as to see out but not in and the parking area is always out of view from the road. The love motel, as I said, was clean but only in theory. The TV had an array of porno flashing 24 hours of the day and a vending machine with all your needs from cock rings to vibrators ranging into the $30 zone (damn high rollers, the jealousy drives me to new heights of racism). Anyway it was definitely a schema violation to say the least. So we put our bags down and scampered out into the streets not to return until after a long evening of drinking, dancing, discovering and more drinking. In the morning, we ended up near our motel plus one new member and a strong need for some nourishment. So, when in Rome play with cats and when in Korea go eat dogs? NO! Korean barbecue. We knew what we had to do, so disheveled, dehydrated and mildly starving we sought refuge in bacon. On the way of course, as any good Americans would do in a drunken stupor at 8am, we found a guitar and smashed it against a tree, stole some kids toy and broke it, and I yelled at a group of teenagers not to look at my bitches, not without paying. We had a large helping of BBQ and a few more beers to help it all go down and didn't feel awkward in the slightest seeing as there were two other tables doing the same and drinking soju as well. We're not that hard Kor. Soju is for people made of nails and kim chi and only entails relentless pain for those who try to brave the green bottle without the needed credentials. So we ate our fat slabs of bacon with resounding joy and sipped on mechju (beer) until the need for rest was overpowering. We returned to our room and were told that we couldn't go up with all of us. Apparently it is against the law for a man to go into a love motel with more than two girls. I don't know why. I obviously have more than two hands. Oh snap, I just got smacked for that myself (oh whatever, so what if I am by myself, somtimes it's better that way).

So the next day we did more of the same only ending at a more decent hour, 2, went to bed and got on a bus in the morning back to good ol' Changwon. I'm surprised I can relate all of this so well because it all seemed so surreal at the time. Since then we've done things. We've done quite a few cool things in fact, but you'll just have to subscribe to the blog bitches because I'm tired of typing to you right now.

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La Honda, California, United States
"Be ashamed to die until you have won some victory for humanity." Horace Mann