Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Up Up and Away

Okay so we have officially purchased our tickets out. Korea has been lovely but there are only weeks left until we're finally out of here.
We're leaving at the beginning of July and traveling to Vietnam. We'll be going around Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, and Thailand until August 30th when we fly from Bangkok to Morocco. We'll be in Morocco for about eight days. We're going to Casablanca, Marrakesh, the High Atlas Mts, and some beach cities. Then we'll take the Marrakesh express to Tangier and head over on the ferry to Spain. My dad is probably going to meet us in Spain and travel with us through Portugal and Spain. We leave Madrid on Sep 28 and head to Prague for about a week. Then to Amsterdam for four days, and a two day layover in Frankfurt Germany before returning to the US. We're going to stay in New York for a few days to see some sights and visit some friends before finally coming home to Cali on Oct 14. Its a lot of places and kind of whirlwindish at the end there in Europe, but the bulk of the time will be spent leisurely and cheaply in SE Asia. We'll be "on the road" for about three and half months and then we have about a month when we get home that will be full of California travel that we have to do. My eldest cousin, Brady, is getting married in Napa the last weekend of October. My best friend is getting married in Nov which means bachelor party the first weekend after I get home. Ashley's birthday is the first weekend of Nov. And she's from Half Moon Bay, so we'll be up in the bay area for that weekend. Then she's going to run the Big Sur Half marathon the weekened after that so we'll probably make our way down there and to San Luis Obispo to see friends. Then I'll finally get back to Oceanside to settle down and figure out what's next. So, until July we're on pins and needles of anticipation. Woowho!


Unknown said...

Thanks for the update that I can check from time to time.

Unknown said...

Okay buddy enjoyed the music but you forgot to mention mt 3 Day walk. Looking forward to reading your travels. Watch out for the Lilliputians. Love Mommy

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La Honda, California, United States
"Be ashamed to die until you have won some victory for humanity." Horace Mann